s Snehal


We noticed that CO.COVALn and TS.TSVALn variable labels have the number appended. The IG gives advice in case 2 below that seems to conflict with this.


There are two scenarios where this topic arises:

  1. Multiple qualifiers: there is more than one value to a qualifier, e.g. LOC, so the “main” variable has a value of “MULTIPLE” and the actual values go into SUPP. This case is addressed in IG QNAM = “{variable name} {sequence number}”, QLABEL = “{variable label} <space> {sequence number}”.
  2. Overflow fields: a result is longer than 200 chars so the bits >200 go into SUPP. This case is addressed in IG QNAM = “{variable name} {sequence number}”, QLABEL = “{variable label}” (QLABEL matches the original exactly without a sequence number).


Can you advise if Pinnacle has another interpretation of IG section or another reason why the TS.TSVALn and CO.COVALn variable labels are not as expected. Or is there a correction planned to the labels in the Pinnacle configs ?

Forums: SDTM

j Jozef
on August 4, 2017

I don't understand the question: it is you who is assigning the SDTM labels isn't it? Or are you talking about define.xml generation? Even then, it should be you who is in charge, not a software. Or is a validation error reported? Which one?

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