m Manolya




I have the case where I have a LBTESTCD = HCG and LBTEST = Pregnancy Test. HCG is part of CT, but Pregnancy Test cannot be found in LBTEST codelist. There is also no other similar value. Therefore, I get this error message. Did someone have the same issue. If so, please let me know. Are such cases considered for future`update of SDTMIG?

Furthermore, what is the difference between the validation checks CT0082 and CT0082R. They seem to be the same...

Best regards,


Forums: SDTM

m Manolya
on September 19, 2013

Okay, there is Choriogonadotropin Beta in LBTEST, but Pregnancy in Synonyms. So the validator does not recognize the synonyms, I suppose? Why isn't it a warning message?

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