b Bedeoan


The rule CT1023 - "Value for --SEV not found in (SEV) CT codelist" is enabled into config-send-3.0.xml  for most of the domains, including CL (for CLSEV).

However, into the SENDIGv3.pdf standard the CLSEV variable is not controlled by any Terminology (SENDIGv3.pdf - page 70). Other --SEV variables (MASEV, MISEV) variables are controlled by the CL.C90000.SEV Terminology list.

Should rule CT1023 be disabled for CL, to reflect the SENDIGv3.pdf standard?

Or can we assume that the CDISC team missed to specify the Controlled Terminlogy list for CLSEV in their standard and therefor keep in config-send-3.0.xml the CT1023 validation rule for CLSEV?


Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on April 26, 2012

Yes, I believe it should.

b Bedeoan
on April 27, 2012

Can you be more specific, please? :) I'm not sure I understand your reply.


s Sergiy
on April 27, 2012

You are right. (SEV) codelist is not applicable to CLSEV and should be removed from SEND validation specifications.

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