m Manolya




I have a little problem with linking FATESTCD and FATEST in define.xml as VLM. The problem is that FATESTCD and FATEST are not a unique pair (sponsor accepted as it is...). So I have one value for FATESTCD and 5 values for FATEST. I created 5 rows for FATESTCD, but cannot assign the correct labels according to FATEST.

An example program is below (with only two rows instead of 5)

<def:ValueListDef OID="ValueList.fa.FATESTCD">
<ItemRef ItemOID="fa.FATESTCD.EXLOCTOL" OrderNumber="1" Mandatory="No"/>
<ItemRef ItemOID="fa.FATESTCD.EXLOCTOL" OrderNumber="2" Mandatory="No"/>


Comment=" "

Comment=" "

in the end I get two rows of FATESTCD with both having "Assessment" as the label.


Can someone help me out here?

Thanks in advance

Forums: Define.xml

l Lex
on July 11, 2013

By having a value list with duplicate ItemRef entries (as far as ItemRef/@ItemOID) you are violating the rules for value lists. You also have multiple ItemDefs with the same OID, which is not correct either.

For every FATEST, you should create a unique FATESTCD.


m Manolya
on July 17, 2013


Yes, they should be unique, you are right. But unfortunately, they are not:( And the study is closed...So no clue how to list this.

But thanks anyway for your answer!

l Lex
on July 17, 2013

I believe your problem is not how to list this define.xml, but how to fix a broken define.xml (i.e. broken metadata), and making sure that you do not run into trouble with submitting this and having to explain errors you will get in your validation reports.

m Manolya
on July 18, 2013

Hi !


Yes. The only solution I have to this is to link them to the "normal" codelist and to the VLM. Will see what the validation report will tell me;-).



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