a Able


I have three questions in CO domain.

1) value for COVAL1-COVALn  (also in TSVAL1-TSVALn)

    Method A:  splitting long comment text with splitting a word

    Method B: splitting long comment text without splitting a word

    Which one?

2) label for COVAL1-COVALn

    Method A: Comment, Comment, ..........

    Method B: Comment1, Comment2, ......

    Which one?

3) leading space in COVAL1

    The comment text is more than 200 characters, the first 200 characters are in COVAL,
    but the 201st character is a space, this is a leading space in COVAL1.
    Should we delete this leading space? 

    If we delete this leading space, it will be difficult to conbine all COVAL variables into long comment text.
    How to handle this?


Looking forward to your reply!


Forums: SDTM

j Jozef
on May 6, 2017

Dear Able, I checked in the SDTM-IG (as you maybe also did already) but found that the guidance there is inadequate.
For your first question, it is clear that splitting should be between words.
For the two other questions, here is the way it is done in our popular SDTM-ETL software:
- The labels for COVAL1, COVAL2, ... are "Comment1", "Comment2", ...
- If I remember well, we always trim, so that the first character in COVAL, COVAL1, COVAL2, is never a blank (but I need to check). Your assumption that it will be difficult to combine in such case is incorrect, as there will be trailing blanks (SAS Transport 5 is a fixed field-length format) in the COVALn-1 field.

Who is still saying that SAS Transport 5 is a good and "easy to use" format?
Here is an interesting article about this:

Good luck with the "stone age" format!

a Able
on May 6, 2017

Thanks for you so much.

But in SDTM IG 3.2,
we can see "When the comment text is longer than 200 characters, the first 200 characters of the comment will be in COVAL, the next 200 in COVAL1".
It seems Ithat we split long comment text with splitting a word.

j Jozef
on May 6, 2017

You are right.
On the other hand, section states "When splitting a text string into several records, the text should be split between words to improve readability".
It is however not very clear whether this also applies to COVAL, COVAL1, ...
It doesn't harm at all to split between words also in COVAL, COVAL1, ..., as a simple "trim()" in the software that reads these records takes care of making it right.
If you just split in the middle of a word, this looks also OK, at least if the reviewer is able to see COVAL and COVAL1 at the same time.

s Sergiy
on May 8, 2017

Hi Able,

1.      A recommended option is not splitting words across variables COVAL, COVAL1-COVALn

2.      We recommend using unique Labels (“Comment”, “Comment 1”, etc.) to avoid potential confusion

3.      No. You should not delete a leading space character in COVAL1-COVALn variables


Sergiy, Pinnacle 21 team

a Able
on May 8, 2017

Thank you for your reply so much. especially Sergiy.
For CO domain, I have no any issues now.

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