i Ippei


Hi All,

I got the Excel Spec for Define-XML by using OpenCDISC Community Ver 2.0.1, but I couldn't find a column for the Rank Attribute of CodeListItem and EnumeratedItem.

 Please let me know how to make the Rank Attribute of CodeListItem and EnumeratedItem with current OpenCDISC tool.


Forums: Define.xml

s Sergiy
on July 20, 2015

Hi Ippei, 

There is no Rank attribute available in Excel Specs due to its limited usage at this moment. In our tool we try to keep a balance between simplicity and actual practical needs.

A Rank attribute will be utilized in the next releases of OpenCDISC. Meanwhile the only option is to add this metadata manually by editing an XML file. We believe that it's a quite simple task because only few codelists may require a usage of Rank attribute.

Kind Regards, 


j Jozef
on July 22, 2015

I would promote that everybody generating define.xml files also learns to edit define.xml files using an XML ediitor (there is a good amount of them on the market, even free ones). Like that, you can also see and control and change when necessary what you generated. It also allows you to learn what define.xml is - a file with metadata (and not some tables you see in a browser)

I learn XML to my undergraduate students in just 2x 1.5hiours, so it can't be that hard ...
With what they learn in these 3 hours, they can accomplish simple tasks like editing XML files, adding attribute pairs, changing values, etc..



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