m Matt


Hi, my first forum entry so please be kind.

I'm using P21 V2.1.3 to create SDTM and ADaM DEFINES and overall have found that it is a great package.

I woudl like to improve the 'look' of my defein in two areas if possible.

1) I have several very large comments which ideally would be referenced via a link in a separate comments section rather than displaying as a regular comment.

As I'm typing I'm thinking perhaps link to a separate document but is there a simpler way?

2) The formatting of text between my initial Excel Specification and the text displayed in the define when viewed through IE is lost which makes the text far less readable. Is there any way to retain the formatting - I'm referring to carriage returns for example.

Any input very gratefully received.



Forums: Define.xml

j Jozef
on September 28, 2016

Dear Matt,

First of all. Are you working with Define-XML v.1.0 or Define-XML v.2.0?

Important is to understand that define.xml is in first instance a machine-readable document, and only in second instance a human-readable document (visualization through a stylesheet).
As Define-XML is in first instance a machine-readable document, there is no formatting. You can try doing something with the stylesheet, but that requires some knowledge of XSLT.
If you have longer comments, and/or want to have or keep formatting, you should seriously consider having these comments in a separate PDF document and reference this (including page numbers if you want) from within your define.xml document. If you use Define-XML v.2.0 this is very well realizable: please read sections 4.1 and 5.3.14 (def:CommentDef) and the description of the use of the def:DocumentRef child element in the Define-XML specification.

Important: if you use a "black box tool" for generating your define.xml, and are not happy with the result as you don't have full control over what is happening, than edit the result either using a good XML editor, or using one of the other Define-XML tools available on the market where you have full control.

And first of all: read the Define-XML specification! You can easily find it on the CDISC website. Also not a bad idea to take a 1-day Define-XML course from CDISC. My experience as an official CDISC Define-XML instructor is that people like you only really understand Define-XML after they took the course.

Hope this was a kind answer...

Jozef Aerts
CDISC Define-XML Development Team

t travis
on September 29, 2016

Hi Matt,

Welcome!  Yes, good approach to break comments into a separate document, makes it more readable.

thanks, Travis

m Matt
on October 11, 2016

Hi Jozef, thanks so much for taking the time to reply to me.

I'm using Define 2.0 and I think that linking a separate PDF document is a good idea; simpler than editing the XML file.

I would like to take a course and will look into that.

Kind Regards,


m Matt
on October 17, 2016



I created a separate PDF document and want to refer to specifi page numbers within it rather than the first page of the pdf.

I've tried this so many different ways but unsuccessfully.

I'm using Office 2010, Adobe Proffesional and creating using Define 2.0.



j Jozef
on October 17, 2016

Dear Matt,

This is very well explained in the Define-XML v.2.0 specification on page 23 (example near the bottom) - READ IT!
Here is an XML example:
<def:DocumentRef leafID="LF.blankcrf">
    <def:PDFPageRef PageRefs="6" Type="PhysicalRef"/>

and for the "leaf" (as an example):
<def:leaf ID="LF.blankcrf" xlink:href="blankcrf.pdf">
   <def:title>Annotated Case Report Form</def:title>

If the tool that you use does not give you the desired result, learn the basics of XML (takes you 2-3 hours) and correct using an XML-editor in the define.xml itself.

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