j Jennifer



This question is regarding the validation rules in SDTMIG v3.3. After using community 3.1 to check DS dataset, rule SD1315 'DSDECOD is not the same as DSTERM, when DSCAT='PROTOCOL MILESTONE' fired.

But according to CDISC conformance rule, this rule is deprecated in v3.3. Can you please check it?


Forums: SDTM

on January 5, 2021

Hi Jennifer, 

It's a bug we've fixed few months ago. New validation engine (starting 2010.0) will not have it.

Sorry for inconvenience.

Kind Regards,

P.S. As a historical background, initially P21 implemented a draft version of CDISC SDTM-IG 3.3 rules in 1907.2 engine. SD1315 was removed later in a final version of CDISC document. 

j Jennifer
on January 7, 2021

I see. Thanks a lot!

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