d David



We are using a FAMH domain which is allowed according to SDTM IG 3.1.2 page 195.

The DOMAIN value would be FA. The dataset names would be the domain name plus up to two additional characters indicating the parent domain (e.g., FACE for the Findings About clinical events and FARE for findings about reproductive events, where in this example, RE is a custom domain to store reproductive events data). This is causing a problem with the validator since the value of domain in the dataset is not the value of the name of the dataset.

SD0004 Inconsistent value for DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation (DOMAIN) variable should be consistent with the name of the dataset.

Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

t Tim
on April 8, 2011


Development is underway on proper split domain support for an upcoming release of the Validator, which, when completed, should allow us to handle this situation correctly.


a Anthony
on April 11, 2011


Will this development change include domains other FA?


t Tim
on April 13, 2011

Hi Anthony,

It will include support for any sort of split data set, yes. There'll likely be new rules introduced to ensure naming compliance, but since we're a little early on in the process I'm not sure on the specific details yet.


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