j JIng
on Variable Lengths
Very large transport files have become an issue for FDA to process. One of the main contributors to the large file sizes has been sponsors using the maximum length of 200 for character variables. To help rectify this situation:
• The maximum SAS Version 5 character variable length of 200 characters should not be used unless necessary.
• Sponsors should consider the nature of the data, and apply reasonable, appropriate lengths to variables. For example:
o The length of flags will always be 1
o –TESTCD and IDVAR will never be more than 8, so length can always be set to 8
o The length for variables which use controlled terminology can be set to the length of the longest term.


the above is from SDTM IG 3.2. should we exclude --TESTCD and IDVAR when we validating the length? otherwise we always get an error when we follow the SDTM IG and set the --TESTCD length to 8.



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