p Priyanka


Hi Team,

While trying to validate SDTM datasets along with define.xml using Pinnacle 21 Community version, why do we get the Error message as Value for SCTESTCD not found in (Causality) user-defined codelist even if the values are added to the Codelist tab in the metadata and define? This message is appearing for multiple scenarios.Is there any specific information that needs to be updated in the Pinnacle 21 metadata spec to avoid this error?

Forums: SDTM

j Jozef
on November 26, 2019

Dear Pryanka,

Please first learn that what you see in the browser is only a VIEW on the define.xml, produced by the stylesheet. If you have it in some worksheet, it doesn't mean it is the define.xml either ... In such cases as you have, ALWAYS have a look at the XML of the define.xml itself, which you easily can do with e.g. NotePad++.

When doing so, do you see the provided value as a child element of the "CodeList" element for the codelist for SCTESTCD (@CodedValue either as attribute of EnumeratedItem or CodeListItem)? When not, something went wrong, but you can also add it manually yourself if you understand basic XML (takes less than 1 hour to learn).
If it is there, did you correctly reference that CodeList from the variable definition (ItemDef - CodeListRef)?

Also a very good idea to attend a one-day Define-XML course from CDISC. After just 1 day, you will be a Define-XML expert, and the standard will not have any secrets for you anymore, nor will XML.

If you are in Europe, the next public course is in January, in Reading (Great Britain): https://www.cdisc.org/events/education/public-courses/2020/01/public-training-reading-uk

With best regards,

Jozef Aerts
Define-XML development team

on November 26, 2019

Hi Priyanka, 

I would be nice if you provide more details about your case? What is rule ID, diagnostic message, standard, version, etc.?

One potential source of your issue could be different values for the same term in dataset and define.xml. For example, mismatch in character case or invisible symbols like <space> or <new line>.

Kind Regards, 


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