t Tommy


Hi all,

I have two WhereClauses in ADIE, one saying PARAMCD eq IEV2 and one saying PARAMCD ne IEV2. I have given these two different names (of course) in the Excel Specification, but I have discovered that the WhereClauseOID in define.xml created by Pinnacle 21 2.1.1 uses the text from the Value column, not the ID column. So in the define.xml, the two WhereClauses are given the same WhereClauseOID.

Why aren't Pinnacle21 using the ID column for creating the WhereClauseOID?




Forums: Define.xml

j Jozef
on June 1, 2016

I presume this is a bug. You can always use a commercial define.xml designer (there are several ones on the market), or (if you have at least a basic knowledge of XML, which you can acquire in 1-2 hours) use a normal XML editor (cost starting from less than 100$) to correct this.

It also looks as you are trying to generate your define.xml "post-SDTM" which is never a good idea. The better way is to use a mapping tool that also generates your define.xml and keeps it "in sync" with the mapping itself.

l Lex
on June 1, 2016

@Tommy - I agree. I have seen WhereClause definitions in ADaM based on the IN operator and over 50 check values! An OID based on this will quickly break down.
I think it is much friendlier, when the application generates the OID, and the user just specifies the WhereClause in a human-readable way, telling which dataset and variable it needs to be attached to. OIDs just have meaning within the Define-XML file, so they can be easily generated by the application that creates the XML.


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