s Shakuntala


I'm creating define.xml using pinnacle 21 community edition. I need to generate value level metadata for LBTESTCD="HCG". In SDTM LB dataset, I've 2 records one with LBSPEC="Blood" other with LBSPEC="Serum". I want 2 records in define.xml output - one for LBTESTCD="HCG" and LBSPEC="Blood", other for LBTESTCD="HCG" and LBSPEC="Serum"

To achieve this how should I define whereclause (in valuelevel tab) and how to define it in "Whereclause" tab in specs?

Forums: Define.xml

on February 13, 2020

Hi Neeta, 

You need to create two WhereClause records with the same ID.

As an example, you can generate Excel specs from Define.xml file included into CDISC Define-XNL 2.0 documentation package.  

Kind Regards,

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