t Thierry



There is a bug in the configuration file: I get a message stating: "Value for QSTEST not found in (KPS Scale TEST) CT codelist", while the value in question is correct. When looking into the config file, I found this:

<val:Lookup ID="CT0158" Message="Value for QSTEST not found in (KPS Scale TEST) CT codelist" Description="Question Name (QSTEST) variable values must be populated with terms found in &apos;Karnofsky Performance Status Scale Test Name&apos; (C100169) CDISC controlled terminology codelist, when Category for Question (QSTCAT) is &apos;KPS SCALE&apos; (Karnofsky Performance Status Scale Questionnaire. New values cannot be added into the CDISC CT non-extensible codelist.)" Category="Terminology" Type="Error" Variable="CDISCSubmissionValue == QSTEST" When="QSCAT == &apos;KPS SCALE&apos;" Where="CodelistCode == &apos;C100170&apos;" WhereFailure="IGNORE" From="FILE:TAB:%System.ConfigDirectory%/data/CDISC/SDTM/%System.CDISC.Version%/QS Terminology.txt" />

As you can see, the where clause is wrong: it looks for C100170, which is the codelist for QSTESTCD, instead of C100169, the codelist QSTEST (correctly listed in the description).


-- Thierry

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

s Sergiy
on October 3, 2013

Hi Thierry, 

Thank you for reporting this bug!

As I understand you can fix configuration files by yourself until official corrected ones will be available. 

Sorry for inconvenience!

Kind Regards, 


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