Troubleshooting and Problems


When things just don't seem to work

June 20, 2024


Thank you for providing P21C v4.1.0., while after I installed the v4.1.0., the validation report didn't contain any “warning” "error" colum, could you please teach me how to solve this problem or where can i install the older version?

Best Regards,


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June 14, 2024

Validator has the issue "Loading engines and configurations", my version is 4.1.0. Attached please find the log file.

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June 6, 2024

The validator report does not show the dataset I was validating (DM.xpt).  It only shows the GLOBAL metadata result.  I've attached the log for this validator run.

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June 4, 2024


Thank you for providing P21C v4.1.0.

I converted data into DatasetJSON format using P21C. But, I found there was some discrepency with the original SAS dataset.

For numeric variable (PPSTRESU), decimal places are truncated when converting data to DatasetJSON.

Please resolve the issue below:

In original SAS dataset:Image removed.

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May 29, 2024

I received an error message when I tried to import my data spec excel file. See the attachment for the error message. I checked my spec format which follows the Pin21 template. Appreciate anyone help me find out what case this import fails. Thanks.  

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January 30, 2024

Hello! I am on the community version of P21 (v4.0.2) and I do not yet see the newest SEND CT package in the drop down menu. Is there a way to trigger an update for the latest SEND CT version or a place where we can manually download the files necessary for this change?


Thank you!

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December 21, 2023

Dear team,

When I'm validating dataset with P21c, I found this app will create a "original" folder under my WHODD dict. folder as attached snapshot, seems INA.txt & DD.txt were backup and replaced by P21c, the size of these 2 files is not the same with my original one, I'm not sure why P21c would like to modified these 2 files, could you please help clarify and provide any support if we can fix it?


BTW, this issue occurs in both GUI and CLI.


Best regards & Merry Xmas!!!!

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November 27, 2023

I have received the following error recently with Pinnacle Community 4.0.2 :

Error code: 61 message:  Pinnacle 21 Community has expired due to an extended period with no internet connection.  Connect to the internet to continue using your application.

Due to our security rules it is impossible to open the flows necessary to connect to the site. I have tried uninstalling and removing all traces of Pinnacle and then re-installing Pinnacle, but I still receive the same error.

Any help you can provide would be most welcome. Thank you.


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November 24, 2023

Trying to attract Pinnacle21's attention by posting again:

Pinnacle21 version is 4.0.2 (Community), fails to run validation from the command line giving the following message in the log:

CLI.3.17::Pinnacle 21 Community has expired due to an extended period with no internet connection. Connect to the internet to continue using your application.

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November 15, 2023


I Encounter this problem when start my pinnacle21.

specified as the follow:


To ensure proper functionality, the application must be restarted.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and would like to prevent this from happening in the future.

To help us with diagnosing what went wrong, please send us the error by clicking Send Bug Report

Any additional information you could share with us would be great!


Here is the Error log:

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