d Deepali



when i am validating define (2.0.0) using openCDSIC 1.5 then I am getting below errors. i checked <<SDTM Terminology.odm.xml>> file under ....\opencdisc\opencdisc-validator-1.5-bin\opencdisc-validator\config\data. i could not find these C-code. i am using SDTM Terminology 2014-09-26 which has those values.  othere thing only First one is for LBTESTCD/LBTEST CT others are for EGTEST/EGTESTCD but openCDISC report shows all for LBTESTCD. Please suggest how to resolve these error.


//CodeList[@OID='CL.LBTESTCD']/CodeListItem[18]/Alias[1] @Name C117748 //CodeList[@OID='CL.LBTESTCD']/CodeListItem[18]/Alias[1] @Name C117774 //CodeList[@OID='CL.LBTESTCD']/CodeListItem[18]/Alias[1] @Name C117780 //CodeList[@OID='CL.LBTESTCD']/CodeListItem[18]/Alias[1] @Name C117788 //CodeList[@OID='CL.LBTESTCD']/CodeListItem[18]/Alias[1] @Name C117792 //CodeList[@OID='CL.LBTESTCD']/CodeListItem[18]/Alias[1] @Name C117815

Thanks & Regards,


Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

s Sergiy
on April 3, 2015

Hi Deepali, 

Unfortunately this is a limitation of define.xml validation in previous versions. We are working on new more advanced define.xml validator. It will have a functionality to select version of CT.

Kind Regards, 


d Deepali
on April 6, 2015

Thanks Sergiy looking into this issue.


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