


When I run the chek open cdisc by a command line, it seems that the control terminology file was not find (in the excel sheet I have a line like \\CBSW1139.part.grs.net\SASSAT\SDS\Opencdisc\opencdisc-validator\config/data/CDISC/SDTM/%System.CDISC.Version%/SDTM Terminology.txt is missing or lacks necessary variables and cannot be used for this cross-dataset validation)

By the wizard, it's working fine.

Here you can see my line command:java -jar "\\CBSW1139.part.grs.net\SASSAT\SDS\Opencdisc\opencdisc-validator\lib\validator-cli-1.5.jar" -task="validate" -type="sdtm" -source:type="SAS" -source="\\CBSW1139.part.grs.net\SASSAT\SDS\Opencdisc\opencdisc-validator\*.xpt" -config="\\CBSW1139.part.grs.net\SASSAT\SDS\Opencdisc\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.3.xml" –config:cdisc=2013-04-12 -report="\\CBSW1139.part.grs.net\SASSAT\SDS\Opencdisc\openCDISC_v1.5_BET.xls" -report:type="excel" –report:overwrite=yes

Do you have an idea to resolve my problem?



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