j Jeroen



We did some testing using the Pinnacle 21 Community v3.0.2 running the same data using GUI and CLI and noticed there were some differences in the details sheet. 
Note that exactly the same settings were used for both runs (file SDTM-IG 3.2 (FDA).xml used from different location but matches the file on the C drive). Used Jar file: p21-client-1.0.2.jar. Still, the CLI report seems to have a bug in the details sheet. Please find attached both reports. 

For example: 
Issue summary sheet indicates following (with count=9070): 

 CT2002 |  CG0021  | PPMETHOD |   value not found in 'Method' extensible codelist   |      Warning   |    9070

However, in the details sheet only 9068 counts are indicated: 

PP    |  9068  PPMETHOD  |   FULL SAMPLING   |  CT2002     CG0021     PPMETHOD      value not found in 'Method' extensible codelist  |  Terminology     Warning

Also, for some records in the details sheet, the CLI report provides more variables: eg, STUDYID, USUBJID, PPTESTCD, ... while in GUI report only PPTESTCD, ....


We assumed the GUI used CLI but this seems not exactly the case. 

Do you have an explanation why these differences arise and how this can be resolved?


With regards,


Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

on November 7, 2019

Hi Jeroen,

Thank you for the feedback!

I've been able to reproduce the issue with different CT2002 counts on reports Issue Summary vs Details tab (either GUI or CLI). We are aware of this issue and will provide a fix in the incoming update.

I think CT2002 count in Details is inconsistent between different validation runs for this domain, so it's not a GUI vs CLI difference. We will investigate this problem, the aforementioned fix might resolve this problem too.

Also, for some records in the details sheet, the CLI report provides more variables: eg, STUDYID, USUBJID, PPTESTCD, ... while in GUI report only PPTESTCD, ....

Could you please explain on which rule or rules did you notice this difference?



j Jeroen
on November 12, 2019

Dear Philipp, 

Thank you for the quick response. So the issue is only in the counts and in the details sheet, not on the acual checks done/issues found?
Let's hope this can get fixed shortly. 

The issue with additional variable info was noticed in rules SD0026, SD1031, SD1097, SD1339, SD1117, SD2239, SD1230, SD1231, SD1272, SD0029 but there might be more...

Kind regards,

on November 12, 2019

Thank you Jeroen, that is an important feedback!

I've been able to reproduce that issue. Issue summaries and counts are identical between GUI and CLI, but the Variables context in CLI reports is wrong.

It is a separate bug, we will work to provide a fix in the incoming update.



j Jeroen
on February 10, 2021

A new issue I noticed with version 3.1.0: when running via CLI the report incorrectly mentions 'Software Version: 1.0.3' on the validation summary sheet, while running exactly the same via GUI correctly mentions 'Software Version: 3.1.0'. 

Can you fix this issue in the coming update as well?


on February 10, 2021

Hello Jeroen,

This is expected because CLI has its own version.
CLI 1.0.3 is bundled with Community 3.1.0, so this version shows up in CLI validation reports.



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