d Debora


Thus far my experience with creating the define document has been as a .pdf file. 

This application is truly a gift to someone like me who has no experience at all with xml files.  But although I have no problems running and creating the define.xml, I'm not sure how to get the study-specific details into the file.  Here are some questions hopefully someone can answer:

1.  Why is my Value Level Metadata table empty but for the headers?

2.  How do I get my Computational Algorithms Section to populate.  When I create it as a .pdf, I import all of this information from a spreadsheet. 

3.  I have a non-standard data set amongst my SDTM data sets.  Why doesn't it recognize the data set label and populate the data set table with this label? 

4.  Why, in my Controlled terminology section, does only the first code output?  Why not all of the codes that I have in my spreadsheet?

I know that after I run the define there is a message that some study-specific changes might have to be made, but is an .xml file editable?  And if it is editable, are the changes to be made by hand and then somehow the hyperlinks are done by hand? 

Thanks so much in advance for any help you can give me.


Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

s Sergiy
on February 10, 2012


Hi Debora, 

I think that the define.xml tool is quite outdated now. The new more robust, user friendly and free application will be released soon.

The current tool uses input data and SDTM metadata to create a template as a star point for further direct editing of those XML document. It was considered enough for people with CDISC and XML expertise. Therefore:

1. Value Level Metadata is not a part of your XPT files metadata. It's expected to be entered manually.

2. You need to convert information from your Excel table into define.xml format. Example:


<def:ComputationMethod OID="SEQNO">Use SQL rownum function</def:ComputationMethod> 


<ItemDef OID="AESEQ"   Name="AESEQ"  

  DataType="integer" Length="5"  Origin="Derived" def:Label="Used to Sequence AEs within subjects" 




See CDISC  crt_ddspecification (define.xml) document for details. 

3. Now the tool use SDTM specifications, rather than your files metadata. In addition to such prescriptive approach the new version will have an option to use actual data labels and other meatadata. 

4. Did you ensure that in your codelist excel file you populated both CodeList Definition and CodeList Assignments tables/spreadsheets?

Yes, all XML files are editable.



P.S. The new version of define XML tool will be more user-friendly and flexible. It will be multi-step process:

1. Extract your files metadata into Excel like template

2. Enter or download all additional info (value level, code lists, comp. methods, study metadata, etc.)  into Excel

3. Generate XML final file

You will work with Excel tables, rather than edit XML file.


g George
on June 11, 2013

I have downloaded v1.4 and have worked through creating a base DEFINE.XML and have uploaded the Codelist Excel file but do not see where I can upload the Computations and variable metadata referred to in this thread.  Is this functionality not part of v1.4?  If it is how do I include that as part of the upload, my assumption is that it will be part of the same Excel workbook as the codelist.

Thank you in advance.



s Sergiy
on June 11, 2013

Hi George, 

Unfortunately a current version of OpenCDISC define.xml tool does not use Excel files to upload Computational Methods and other details like Source or Value List. You need to edit define.xml file manually to add new information.

Kind Regards,



g George
on June 11, 2013

Thank you Sergiy.  So your reference to a new updated version:

"Hi Debora, 

I think that the define.xml tool
is quite outdated now. The new more robust, user friendly and free application
will be released soon."

Any ETA on the new release?




s Sergiy
on June 11, 2013

A new 1.4.1 release will be within few weeks, but it does not have any updates for the define.xml tool

j Jake
on June 11, 2013

What method do you recommend for creating a complete define.xml?

s Sergiy
on June 12, 2013

Hi Jake, 

It’s difficult for me to advise without knowing your experience with different technologies and tools.

As a member of Pinnacle 21 team I am mostly using the OpenCDISC Enterprise. Also I can work with OpenCDISC define.xml templates and complete missing parts with XML editors like  XML Spy. The same is true for other users. They prefer particular methods based on their experience and availability of tools.



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