y Yi



I'm getting this error message why reading data into Pinnical 21. I only have BASEC populated as I have a categorical response for the given PARAMCD. and I made sure I have the same value for BASEC for the given category. Can anyone please let me know what the problem is here?


Thank you very much!

Forums: ADaM

on July 6, 2020

Hi Yi, 

Please look at description of AD0329 rule: "Within a Study and a Parameter, all BASECATy (Baseline Category y) variable values must be the same for each unique value of BASECAyN (Baseline Category y (N)), when primary variable BASECATy is populated"

It means that in your BDS dataset, there are records with the same values for PARAMCD and BASECA1N, but different values for BASECAT1 variable.

BASEC variable is not involved in algorithm of AD0329 validation rule.

Kind Regards,

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