s Satoshi


Dear, Pinnacle 21 Staff

The new version Pinnacle 3.0 can generate CSV files from XPT files(For example, CDISC's "adqsadas.xpt" dataset)
by the Data Converting Method.
However, just by changing the condition to Excel output format from CSV output format, 
the new Pinnacle cannot generate Excel files displaying a warning message "Failed core process". 
Despite the same conditions except for the Output Format, why can't the new Pinnacle generate excel files at all?
So, please let us know any information of the condition of the difference between CSV and Excel.

Best regards, Sato

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

on May 27, 2019

Hi Sato,

Thank you for the feedback!

Excel generation error is a known and identified issue, that will be resolved in a next Community update.



s Satoshi
on September 3, 2019

Hi Philipp,

I confirmed that the new version Pinnacle 3.0.1 can generate Excel files by the Data Converting Method.
Thank you.



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