k Karin


In previous versions of OpenCDISC, unprocessed datasets were in a separate section on the Dataset Summary Tab.  Now they seem to be included in the Processed Sources tab with the Class of SYSTEM. This gives the wrong impression to users that the dataset was checked and has no errors or warnings. On the second tab Issue Summary you list them as Dataset xxxx not validated. Can you please fix this display on Dataset Summary Tab to be included in the 'Unprocessed Sources' section?

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

s Sergiy
on July 27, 2016

Hi Karin, 

In recent versions of P21 Community all unprocessed datasets have Warnings "Dataset XXXX not validated" in Issue Summary tab. We was asked to stop using old approach as  more confusing.




j Jenny
on September 14, 2016

Hi Sergiy, 

in that case, are you planning to remove the section "Unprocessed Sources" from the report (sheet "Dataset Summary"), as it seems to obsolete?

Best regards

k Karthik
on August 28, 2019


On which basis pinnacle 21 identified dataset as Unprocessed Dataset and on which basis ADCM and ADMH will going to BDS classification.

on September 4, 2019


We determine dataset class based on the following criteria:

  • ADSL if dataset is named "ADSL"
  • ADAE if dataset is named "ADAE"
  • BDS if any of the following are present: PARAMCD, PARAM, AVAL, AVALC, CNSR, CNSDTDSC, EVNTDESC
  • OCCDS if any of the following are present: --TERM, --DECOD, --TRT
  • ADAM OTHER if no other class was identified


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