中文论坛 (Chinese Language Forum)



June 14, 2024

更新到4.1.0版本后,Validator一直显示“Loading engines and configurations”(如下图),附件请查看log file

Image removed.

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January 31, 2024

i would like to  use cli call all funtions(like create spec) in p21 app not only validation.and i once see those command lines,but i can't find them now.could you please send it to me again? thanks!

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September 5, 2023

当Origin列输入CRF,Pages列设置了对应页码后,define2.1版本生成的xml文件中没有页码的超链接,但是define 2.0却可以。怎么回事?

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April 27, 2023

OpenCDISC Validator Performance and Scalability Guide | Pinnacle 21

如指导上说,“To make this change, edit the Maximum Memory field to a higher value. For instance, if we wanted to increase the maximum available memory to three gigabytes, we would replace the 1024 with 3072.”,当数据量很大时,我通过Validator生成的sdtm的report里 QS里只读取了部分记录,且没有报错。

请问我如何调整maxinum memory?期待您的回答,谢谢!

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April 19, 2023

在其他带有计划外访视的数据集中,会有VISIT/VISITNUM的值域TV域的数据不一致的报错,但是TV中是无法放计划外访视的。猜想可能是中文版的pinnacle21无法识别中文的 计划外访视 这几个字,如果可能的话,麻烦在中文引擎中加上这个,以避免这个报错。

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January 9, 2023

i used CLI to call the function--"generate define spec with xml",but it give me an error as follows:

[main] ERROR n.pinnacle21.oce.utils.ProcessUtils - CLI.3.17::Pinnacle 21 Community has expired due to an extended period with no internet connection. Connect to the internet to continue using your application.

and here is my code:

java -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pinnacle 21 Community\resources\app.asar.unpacked\components\lib\p21-client-1.0.6.jar" ^
--source.define="xxx" ^
--output.format=define-excel ^


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November 28, 2022

Hi there,

Is there a time schedule for when Pinnacle21 plans to support SDTM IG 3.3 validation under NMPA engine?


Thank you!


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October 28, 2022
RELREC中, RELTYPE尝试用 “一个” “多个” 以及 “一个(ONE)” “多个(MANY)”的值均报错

RELREC中, RELTYPE尝试用 “一个” “多个” 以及 “一个(ONE)” “多个(MANY)”的值均报错

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August 30, 2022


i want to konw why i get this error when i call validation with CLI :"ERROR net.bootstrap.utils.S3Loader - Failed to download file: release/engine/engines_v4.json".The internet is limited by our new remote system and every domain in domain list is added to Whitelist.it's normal when i use P21 app.But  this path(release/engine/engines_v4.json)  can't be found.Is the file(engines_v4.json) need to be download when call P21 with CLI? so how should i do to solve it? 



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August 11, 2022

Because P21 installed on Windows Server by our company has network restrictions on P21, we need to know the network connection test URL and JSON download URL, and then add them to the whitelist. I hope you can inform us, thank you very much

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