r Rajasekhar


Hi Team,

We are getting AD0018 : variable label mismatch between dataset and ADaM standard for AENDTM and ASTDTM.

The labels are defined as below currently.


AENDTM  : Analysis End Datetime

ASTDTM   : Analysis Start Datetime


Please suggest why this error is coming, we  have checked the ADaM IG and the current naming is the same as it in guideline


Thank you,



Forums: ADaM

on September 5, 2022

Hi Rajasekhar, 

According CDISC documentation, Labels for ASTDTM variable are

  • "Analysis End Datetime" in BDS
  • "Analysis End Date/Time" in OCCDS 

Kind Regards,

k KK
on June 27, 2024

hi @Sergiy Could you share which CDISC documentation mentioned this differnece, I missed that part.

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